What to Expect

Whether you have been arrested or charged with a criminal violation, the choices you make at this time can affect your life long after your legal matter is resolved.

When you hire Wampler & Passanise, you get a team of legal professionals committed to ensuring you get the best legal defense.

We practice a team approach and surround your case with the investigators, researchers, paralegals, and defense attorneys you need to fight for your rights.
At any given time, one or more team members work on your behalf. The legal process can be difficult to understand. Visiting a criminal defense attorney’s office can be upsetting because it’s unknown.

The staff at Wampler & Passanise works hard to be sure you understand the steps we take related to your case. The more you understand how we work, the more active you can be in your defense. Our process typically includes these steps.

Step 1.

Step 1.


We provide a free consultation to help you understand your options and determine if Wampler & Passanise is the right counsel for your situation.

Step 2.

Step 2.

Intake Interview.

During your consultation, we’ll ask questions about the situation that led to your arrest. It’s important that we understand everything from your perspective and that you understand attorneys and legal staff are bound by confidentiality laws. We talk about your case only with those essential to your defense.

Step 3.

Step 3.

Discovery and Investigation.

After discussing your situation, we open lines of investigation that focus on several areas: the charges, past criminal history, evidence from the Prosecuting Attorney, and other supporting information. We talk with witnesses and law enforcement.

Step 4.

Step 4.

Status Update Meetings.

After reviewing your case, your attorney meets with you to discuss the severity of the situation, the evidence gathered, and your options. Once a course of action is set, we meet regularly to update you on progress, court dates, and other important facts.

Step 5.

Step 5.

Case Management.

This includes everything from negotiating plea agreements to defending you in court. Our experienced trial attorneys know how to present the facts, challenge the Prosecution, and gain the best possible outcomes.

Step 6.

Step 6.

Trial Support.

We are with you at every court appearance and inform you of all proceedings relevant to your trial.

You deserve the best possible representation. Our goal is to create the most positive life outcomes we can.
No one deserves to be defined only by their worst moments.

To set up a free consultation, complete the form below or call (417) 882-9300.


For personalized legal guidance, call our office at 417-882-9300 or submit this form to schedule a meeting with an attorney.

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