Can my record be expunged after my case was dismissed?
You recently went through one of the most challenging and frightening times in your life, but fortunately your case was dismissed and you were not convicted of the crimes you were accused of. However, like many Missouri residents, you may not realize that your arrest is still a part of your record, and it could…
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Fine details of an expungement
Missouri residents can sometimes have offenses removed from their criminal record. A previous blog discussed the changes to expungements after a new law was passed. This week’s blog discusses information that people need to know if they want to get their record expunged. FindLaw says that if someone gets an expungement, certain offenses no longer appear on his…
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Field sobriety test accuracy problems
With the summer holiday season in full swing, it is common for many people in Missouri to be planning backyard barbeques, boating excursions, weddings and more. Alcohol is commonly served at these events with attendees driving themselves to and from them. This may well put more people at risk of being stopped by officers and…
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How a drug conviction may impact your financial aid
You may make some mistakes when you are young. Using drugs is not exactly a rare occurrence for young adults. But what may seem like a minor lapse in judgment may have significant ramifications. Drug charges may threaten your access to financial aid. Tuition, textbooks and housing are quite costly. If you lose out on student aid,…
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Update on the “affluenza” teenager’s case
Over the years, many residents of Missouri and elsewhere have brought up the topic of an unfair disparity in the consequences wealthy and influential people face in criminal charges, as opposed to those who have little money and few resources. Some may be concerned that those with more money can afford a better defense or…
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What constitutes mail fraud?
If you are a Missouri resident charged with committing the white collar crime of mail fraud, you may be wondering exactly what it is that federal law enforcement officials believe you did. As FindLaw explains, mail fraud is a federal crime because it involves more than one state. Fraud per se has two prongs: a scheme for…
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