The connection between consent and communication
Dating is a challenging and exciting adventure for people all over Missouri. However, careless regard for another’s safety or comfort may instantly compromise relationships and put people at risk of accusations of criminal behavior. Whether male or female, people who frequent the dating scene may benefit from understanding how effective communication with their partner can…
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What is the current state of Missouri’s drug problem?
Every state has its problems with drugs, and Missouri is no exception. The state is in a battle with drugs that ruins families and lives. However, Missouri is not facing the same issue that is plaguing many other states. Opioids are not the issue here. Instead, Missouri’s main drug of choice, according to New-Press Now, is…
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Understanding Missouri drug charges
Missouri prosecutes individuals who possess, distribute or intend to distribute controlled substances such as cannabis, opiates and cocaine. Depending on the type and quantity of substance, a convicted offender could face prison time and significant fines. Read on to learn more about categorization of and penalties for drug crimes in Missouri. Drug possession Missouri’s possession laws…
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What are the best drug possession defenses?
In Missouri, drug possession charges are serious. These charges can amount to substantial prison time if convicted. Drugs, or controlled substances, are under state and federal government regulation. While the drugs have different levels called schedules, no matter the drug, many of the strategies to fight drug possession charges are the same. When charged with…
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Health conditions can skew a field sobriety test
The idea behind a field sobriety test is that testing the balance and coordination of a driver can reveal whether the person possesses an excessive amount of alcohol in his or her system. However, Springfield motorists may fail a field sobriety test for reasons other than having a few too many drinks. Any number of…
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The difference between felony and misdemeanor DWIs
Missouri handles DWI cases very seriously. The charges are often divided into misdemeanors and felonies. Depending on whether or not a person is convicted, they could end up facing severe and long-lasting repercussions. According to FindLaw, the number of prior convictions and blood alcohol content (BAC) level both impact the type of charge a person will be…
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