News with Missouri State Law regarding Expungement

August 4, 2022
News with Missouri State Law regarding Expungement

Many of our clients were convicted of crimes years ago, and to this day, the consequences follow them. Sometimes this comes in the form of a denied job, other times it is simply a rain cloud of guilt that appears when they have to share a past offense for legal purposes.

We understand that mistakes happen.  Missouri’s various expungement laws may now provide options to remove these mistakes from your record.

Previously, it was only possible to expunge a conviction or plea of guilty for first offense DUIs and certain alcohol offenses for minors

[such as a Minor in Possession/ MIP] or under extreme circumstances, it was also possible to expunge an arrest. However, it was not possible to expunge other offenses. On August 28, 2012 the Missouri legislature passed RSMo. § 610.140 which expanded the number of crimes that could be expunged including felonies and misdemeanors relating to passing bad checks, fraudulent uses of credit cards, certain offenses regarding damage to propertytrespassing, gamblingpublic drunkenness and others involving peace disturbances .

Whether a prior DUI, MIP or some other offense haunts your past, we can help you protect your future by sharing options available to you under this revised law.


For personalized legal guidance, call our office at 417-882-9300 or submit this form to schedule a meeting with an attorney.

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