DUI/DWI Defense

Even a first DUI/DWI is not without consequence. Our experienced attorneys customize your defense for the best possible outcome.

Ready To Combat DUI/DWI Charges

Driving while intoxicated (DWI) cases may be among the most prevalent in this day and age, but they can negatively affect your record if not met with a strong defense. It’s common to think that if you are arrested and charged with a DWI that you must plead guilty. However, there are many defenses to being charged with DWI in Missouri. It is important to have an experienced legal team to find these flaws in cases that may be overlooked.

Our top-rated lawyers at Wampler & Passanise are qualified to help you challenge alcohol-related offenses. We regularly contest DWI charges and assist with the administrative hearings required to recover our clients’ driver’s licenses.

Fighting A Drunk Driving Charge Is Critical

Even a first DWI is not without consequences. The penalties can include points on your driver’s license, increased car insurance rates, jail time, fines, community service and license suspension.

A second offense DWI conviction may result in additional points on your license, mandatory jail time or increased community service, up to a five-year suspension of your license.

Third or subsequent offenses for DWI may result in felony charges. Depending on the severity of your charge, you may be required to complete probation, required community service hours and a jail sentence. More importantly, you could be a convicted felon for the rest of your life. In short, the stakes are much higher than most think.

Many of these penalties can affect your livelihood if you drive for a living, your ability to get to work or attend school and the amount you need to pay for insurance. Our lawyers know what is best for you and work to find the most favorable outcome possible.

Tailoring Our Approach According To Your Case

There are many steps we take to address a DUI/DWI. We have successfully represented countless clients throughout Missouri, and we will tailor our approach according to the facts of your case. You benefit from our customized plans.
We develop strong strategies with a variety of options that include:

  • United States Supreme Court
  • U.S. Court of Appeal
  • Challenging traffic stops
  • Challenging the administration of field sobriety tests
  • Challenging the accuracy of the breath testing machine
  • Reviewing squad car dash-cam videos
  • Reviewing surveillance videos and booking videos
  • Reviewing client medical status for conditions that may affect test results
  • Interviewing witnesses
  • Investigating the arresting officer’s record
  • Taking depositions of the arresting officer
  • Investigating road and weather conditions 8th Circuit
  • U.S. District Court Eastern District of Missouri
  • U.S. District Court Western District of Missouri

Let Us Handle Your DUI/DWI Case

When you have a charge as serious as a DUI/DWI against you, you need a defense team that’s ready to fight on your side. Our firm has decades of experience in defending Springfield-area residents.
We have the right lawyers, paralegals, support staff and resources to assist with your case and get your life back on track.
The initial case consultation is free!
Call 417-882-9300 or contact us online to begin the conversation.

Client Testimonials About Our DWI Lawyers


Previous client

Joe is the best in Springfield! He listened to everything I wanted as far as an outcome for my DWI case. He went above and beyond to get the results I received. I would recommend this office to anyone. As long as you do your part, you will get the best outcome possible. Thank you for your hard work on my case!


Previous client

Joe Passanise, Taylon Sumners, and the rest of their team are incredible. They helped me with my DWI case and got me an excellent deal due to my situation. Their communication, professionalism and kindness are second to none. No matter what your legal situation may be I highly suggest hiring them to handle your case.


For personalized legal guidance, call our office at 417-882-9300 or submit this form to schedule a meeting with an attorney.

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