Springfield Criminal Law Blog

We believe your goals and opportunities shouldn’t be held hostage by one mistake. You can rely on us to pursue all legal options as we work to protect your future.

April 19, 2022
Government corruption and criminal offenses
An audit of government accounts could reveal not only waste but a combination of fraud and abuse. Unfortunately, people in government use their positions to enrich themselves. Embezzlement might provide a Missouri official with a short-term path to wealth, but the journey could lead to a lengthy prison sentence. Embezzlement and fraud in government Government...
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April 5, 2022
Bankruptcy Fraud: What it is
Residents of Springfield and other nearby areas of Missouri may want to learn more about how bankruptcy fraud works, and how the government sees it. This type of fraud saw an increase, as the stigma attached to bankruptcy lessened after the early 2000s. According to howstuffworks, in tough times, the U.S. bankruptcy system has the goal...
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January 22, 2021
How does a white collar charge affect my employment?
Your career is a crucial element to securing the future of your dreams. What could a white-collar crime charge do to impede your progression? White-collar crimes range from minor to serious. Even the most innocent may carry with it hefty consequences for your career. Some of the ramifications depend on various factors, including what sector...
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December 28, 2020
What is healthcare fraud?
If you, a group of people or a company knowingly misstates or misrepresents something about the nature, scope or type of a medical service provided, healthcare fraud occurs. This often results in the insurer or company making unauthorized payments to receive a financial kickback. According to the U.S. Department of Justice, healthcare fraud can occur...
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December 15, 2020
Money Laundering: Are you at risk?
Most thoughts of money laundering conjure up anti-hero leads of modern TV dramas, funneling money through businesses or “mules” for their latest scheme-of-the-episode. In the real world, money laundering is a serious problem. According to the 2018 report, National Money Laundering Risk Assessment created by several agencies of the US government, laundered funds potentially total...
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December 14, 2020
The many forms of white-collar crime include mail fraud
Mail fraud involves a scheme to defraud for the purpose of obtaining money or property for something to be sent using the U.S. Postal Service.  A federal investigation can usually pinpoint illegal use of the U.S. mail fairly quickly, but proving intent is more difficult and time-consuming.  Understanding mail fraud Everyone receives junk mail and...
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