Frequently encountered federal drug charges
Federal drug charges are distribution, manufacturing and possession with intent to distribute in Springfield, Missouri. The general statutory maximum for federal drug offenses is about 20 years. Depending on the circumstances, there are mandatory five and ten years associated with the charges. Five year mandatory Federal Offenses with lower quantities of drugs tend to carry...
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What does Missouri law say about forgery?
To try to illegally acquire medicine from a pharmacy, a criminal may produce a prescription with a doctor’s signature. The problem is that the signature is not real. The fraudster had actually copied the signature onto the prescription paper. This is a classic example of forgery. Forgery comes in many different types and may differ...
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Illegal Evidence: Police and Prolonged Traffic Stops
In February 2015, the Massachusetts State Police observed a vehicle with broken tail and brake lights. The vehicle had illegally tinted windows but was otherwise properly titled and registered. The driver did not immediately stop and was continuously followed for five miles by police before being pulled over. Using an onboard computer, the officer determined...
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How does a white collar charge affect my employment?
Your career is a crucial element to securing the future of your dreams. What could a white-collar crime charge do to impede your progression? White-collar crimes range from minor to serious. Even the most innocent may carry with it hefty consequences for your career. Some of the ramifications depend on various factors, including what sector...
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Does an officer have cause to arrest you?
When an officer suspects you of DUI crimes, they have many tools at their disposal. They can run field sobriety tests. They can implement breath analysis tests on the scene. Once arrested, they can even administer blood tests. But at what point do they have the right to arrest you? You may have heard the...
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How does Missouri law define drug paraphernalia?
Drug possession laws do not only cover illegal substances like heroin or meth. Drug users and manufacturers employ various tools and devices in order to manufacture and use drugs. The law refers to such tools as paraphernalia. Like the drugs themselves, a police officer could seize paraphernalia from you as evidence of a crime. You...
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