Understanding your Miranda rights
If you face criminal charges in Missouri, or even if you are “only” a person of interest in a criminal investigation, you would do well to remember that you are never legally obliged to voluntarily speak with law enforcement officers without having your attorney present. This is one of your constitutional rights which the U.S. Supreme Court elaborated...
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Can my drug charges be expunged?
A drug conviction can seriously affect your life. One nonviolent offense may affect your career aspirations, educational goals and overall reputation. You may be wondering if there is any way to wipe your criminal record clean so you can move on with your life. Thanks to a new Missouri law, expunging your drug charges may be possible. Here is...
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What is a Ponzi scheme?
If you face federal securities fraud charges in Missouri, this is a very serious matter. A conviction could place you in a federal prison for life, plus the necessity of paying your alleged victims restitution in the amount of hundreds of thousands of dollars. As money.com explains, numerous types of financial fraud schemes exist, but one of...
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What you need to know about Missouri’s marijuana laws
At the Law Offices of Dee Wampler & Joseph Passanise, we think you should know that Missouri has some of the toughest marijuana laws in the country. Despite the facts that 61 percent of Americans believe that marijuana should be legalized in one form or another and Missourians will have the opportunity to vote for...
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What constitutes tax evasion?
If you are like many Missourians, you have an abiding fear of the Internal Revenue Service. Maybe it is similar to your possible aversion to dentists. Even though no dentist or IRS agent ever harmed you, nevertheless you dread every upcoming dental appointment and every upcoming April 15. You keep thinking that just because these...
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How a drug conviction may impact your financial aid
You may make some mistakes when you are young. Using drugs is not exactly a rare occurrence for young adults. But what may seem like a minor lapse in judgment may have significant ramifications. Drug charges may threaten your access to financial aid. Tuition, textbooks and housing are quite costly. If you lose out on student aid,...
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