Don’t let a great night out turn into an arrest
No one can blame anyone for wanting to go out and have a good time with friends. It’s great to go see people and relieve stress by having a drink and hanging out. It’s fine to go to parties or clubs, too. The problem doesn’t arise until alcohol becomes too much of a bad influence....
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Defending yourself against accusations of sex offenses
Being charged with one or more sex offenses is devastating, but even a simple accusation can also have lasting consequences. As in all other states, Missouri authorities take a very harsh stance against sex offenses. This is the right approach in terms of protecting victims and the public at large. However, it is a troubling...
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Can you face sex offense allegations when someone lies about their age?
You know well that you can land on the sex offenders list if you have sex with someone who is underage, and it’s not something you’re ever interested in doing. That said, you don’t always ask people for ID in advance, so you take them at their word when they tell you their age. But...
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Try to keep drug charges from stoning your future
The pregame gathering is wrapping up at your apartment. It is time to head to the real party across campus. You volunteer to drive. Your roommate asks if his high school buddy can hitch a ride. Sure, why not? He seems like a cool dude. Hours later you are facing arraignment before a judge. Police...
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Rape victims in some states forced to share custody of children
While there are men who have been victimized as well, sex crimes most commonly involve women and girls. To add to this, women bring a unique complexity to the table. Unlike men, their bodies are capable of bearing a child after the assault takes place. Whether the mother chooses to keep her baby or is...
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What constitutes aggravated assault?
Although it is often used in casual conversations, the actual definition of what aggravated assault is may be unclear to some. By better examining the meaning of this term, you can fully understand what it means and how it impacts you. Simple assault is not the same as aggravated assault, which typically involves a perpetrator...
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