Springfield Criminal Law Blog

We believe your goals and opportunities shouldn’t be held hostage by one mistake. You can rely on us to pursue all legal options as we work to protect your future.

August 4, 2022
How will a criminal charge affect my college status?
There are several ways in which a criminal charge might affect your college status. For example, if the crime you are alleged to have committed took place on campus, it is possible that you would also have to appear before the school’s judicial board and plead your case. This might also happen in off-campus instances if...
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August 4, 2022
Which rights are returned upon expungement?
If you or someone you care for is professionally impeded by the strict rules regarding expungement in Missouri, it could be worth your time to review the recent changes in statutory law. Many residents of the state who are burdened with a criminal record stand to benefit from the increased leniency and reduced wait times set...
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August 4, 2022
Legal ramifications of tax evasion
Tax season has rolled around again, and Missouri business owners have been busy gathering documents to hand over to their accountants for official assessment of the amounts they owe. When preparing to report profits and losses for the year, choosing to disclose assets candidly is a good first step. Reviewing the legal ramifications of tax evasion may help...
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August 4, 2022
Do drug courts work?
If you are a Missouri resident who is dealing with drug and/or alcohol addiction and abuse, you may have heard about drug courts and are wondering what they are, how they work and if, in fact, they do work. The following information provided by the Missouri Recovery Network should ease your mind about this alternative...
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August 4, 2022
What the government must prove to convict you of a RICO crime
If you are a Missouri resident who has been charged under the federal RICO statute with committing a white collar crime, you may be wondering why you were not charged under a Missouri statute instead. You may never have heard of RICO and are concerned about what it is and what the government must do...
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August 4, 2022
Common types of employee embezzlement
Embezzlement is a white-collar financial crime covering a wide variety of specific illegal activities. Per The Legal Information Institute, embezzlement occurs when someone entrusted with the care of someone else’s personal property, be it in Missouri or any other state, fraudulently takes it for, or converts it to, his or own use or the use of someone...
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August 4, 2022
Researchers: drug treatments would ease crowded Missouri prisons
Missouri’s criminal justice system is at a critical point, researchers say. The Council of State Governments Justice Center says our state’s crowded prisons makes it vital that lawmakers vote to invest in behavioral health treatments that can help people kick substance abuse and become less likely to be arrested for drug crimes. The Center says the...
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August 4, 2022
3 conditions of expungement you should know about
Having a criminal or arrest record can seriously disrupt your life for years after the initial incident. Arrest records are often available publicly online for friends, family and potential employers to see, and a criminal conviction can disqualify you from certain jobs and housing opportunities. This makes an expungement appealing to many people seeking to...
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August 4, 2022
Clear your criminal record and get a clean slate
Sometimes, people make poor choices that haunt them and prevent them from moving on with their lives. For people who have convictions on their record for federal crimes and other serious matters, it may be hard to move forward. However, there are processes that can help individuals clean their slates and start over. Here are a few...
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August 4, 2022
Missouri’s new expungement rules
Missouri residents saddled with excessive penalties for past crimes might soon find it simpler to expunge their criminal record. Until recently, very few offenses were eligible for expungement. The law also required many convicted individuals to wait for 20 years before they could apply for a clean record. The new rules represent a significant change in...
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