Springfield Criminal Law Blog

We believe your goals and opportunities shouldn’t be held hostage by one mistake. You can rely on us to pursue all legal options as we work to protect your future.

August 4, 2022
Can you rescind a white collar plea bargain?
If you are a Missouri resident facing a federal white collar crime charge, your attorney may have discussed with you the possibility of a plea agreement. As reported by Forbes, over 90 percent of federal charge defendants choose to enter into a plea agreement rather than to take their case to trial. Accepting a plea bargain can...
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August 4, 2022
What is a Ponzi scheme?
If you face federal securities fraud charges in Missouri, this is a very serious matter. A conviction could place you in a federal prison for life, plus the necessity of paying your alleged victims restitution in the amount of hundreds of thousands of dollars. As money.com explains, numerous types of financial fraud schemes exist, but one of...
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August 4, 2022
Missouri’s treatment courts: helping offenders help themselves
Criminal defendants with an underlying drug or alcohol problem are fortunate to live in Missouri. The state leads the nation in the establishment of treatment courts, also known as alternative sentencing courts, problem-solving courts and specialty courts. The mission of these courts is to help the defendants who come before them rather than simply sentence...
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August 4, 2022
Help your kids understand the consequences of college drinking
It’s that time of year again. Back-to-school, but instead of sending your children to high school, they’re on their way to college. This is an exciting time of year for parents and students alike, but it can also be nerve-wracking, especially for parents who are worried about the safety of children who are just venturing...
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August 4, 2022
How to get your suspended Missouri driver’s license back
Authorities in Missouri at the Missouri Department of Revenue may revoke or deny your driving privileges for a number of reasons. Common among these is a conviction or guilty plea for a driving while intoxicated charge. Other reasons include an accumulation of points on your driver’s license or a conviction for a felony involving a...
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August 4, 2022
What constitutes misuse of public funds?
If you are employed by a government entity in Missouri, be it local, state or federal, the funds you deal with are public funds that belong to the “public” your employer serves. Should law enforcement officials allege that you betrayed your public trust by misusing or mishandling these funds, the government can prosecute you in...
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August 4, 2022
What are the laws for DUIs in Missouri?
Residents in Missouri who are accused of DUI-related crimes have a lot on the line if they’re convicted. The DUI laws in Missouri do not allow much room for mistake, and if you find yourself up against a charge, you could also find yourself looking at some strict sentencing. Findlaw takes a look at Missouri’s...
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August 4, 2022
What should you know about expungement?
If you were accused or convicted of a crime, your friends or family members may have advised you to consider having the charges expunged. If this topic confuses you, you are not alone. Expungement can be a complex issue for you and other Missouri residents. What is expungement? As FindLaw explains, this is the legal...
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August 4, 2022
What you need to know about Missouri’s marijuana laws
At the Law Offices of Dee Wampler & Joseph Passanise, we think you should know that Missouri has some of the toughest marijuana laws in the country. Despite the facts that 61 percent of Americans believe that marijuana should be legalized in one form or another and Missourians will have the opportunity to vote for...
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August 4, 2022
Admission to college may depend on honesty regarding DUI-DWI
If you are looking forward to obtaining your master’s degree at a prestigious university, your aspirations could be put on hold due to a DUI or DWI mark on your record. Some colleges will decline admittance if you have a misdemeanor or felony conviction. However, providing honest information about the drunk-driving incident may make all...
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