Springfield Criminal Law Blog

We believe your goals and opportunities shouldn’t be held hostage by one mistake. You can rely on us to pursue all legal options as we work to protect your future.

August 4, 2022
What is a BUI charge?
You may think you can only get a DUI if you are driving a car on a Missouri road. However, if you are drinking while operating a boat, you may find yourself charged with boating under the influence (BUI).  In some ways, a BUI charge is similar to a DUI. FindLaw says that most state and federal...
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August 4, 2022
Your Statutory Privileges VS Prosecutor’s Investigative Subpoena
One of the most important laws that every citizen should be fearful of is the Prosecutor’s Investigative Subpoena. “RSMo 56.085. Criminal investigations, prosecutors or circuit attorneys may obtain subpoena for witnesses, records, and books – In the course of a criminal investigation, the prosecuting or circuit attorney may request the circuit judge (or associate circuit)...
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August 4, 2022
Understand health care fraud
Many Missouri residents usually trust their medical practitioners to order necessary tests and protect their information. Sometimes, though, people take advantage of this trust and commit health care fraud. People of all backgrounds might encounter this kind of fraud, so it is important for them to recognize the signs. One area where people might encounter...
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August 4, 2022
Are breath test devices always accurate?
If you are pulled over by Missouri law enforcement on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol, you may be asked to submit to a breath test. Law enforcement officers in the state, and across the country, use breath test devices as a way to determine your blood alcohol level, as it is impossible...
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August 4, 2022
Will a charge haunt me even if it has been expunged?
When you receive an expungement for an old criminal conviction or a charge that was later dropped, you may think that your record is clean and that the past charges won’t show up to complicate your life again. Unfortunately, this is not always true for you and other Missouri residents. In some cases, an expunged...
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August 4, 2022
Understanding your Miranda rights
If you face criminal charges in Missouri, or even if you are “only” a person of interest in a criminal investigation, you would do well to remember that you are never legally obliged to voluntarily speak with law enforcement officers without having your attorney present. This is one of your constitutional rights which the U.S. Supreme Court elaborated...
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August 4, 2022
How negatively can a DUI conviction impact your life?
With the fall semester off to a rousing start at Missouri’s colleges and universities, it is time for football games, fraternity and sorority parties, and all the other extracurricular activities inherent in campus life. Many of these activities include drinking, especially beer. Before you overindulge and possibly find yourself facing DUI charges, consider the many ways...
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August 4, 2022
Does being stoned cause driving impairment?
Recreational marijuana may not be currently legal in Missouri, but that doesn’t mean residents refrain from using cannabis. Many people reason that they won’t face drug penalties if they don’t get caught. However, you may wonder if you can be arrested on suspicion of driving while high in Missouri – and whether using pot can...
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August 4, 2022
Can I get a violent crime expunged from my record?
As we have discussed in other posts on this blog, getting an old conviction expunged can give you better opportunities in your life, where otherwise a potential employer or renter might see the conviction and decide not to take a chance on you. Expungements are most often granted for minor crimes, but what if you...
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August 4, 2022
Can my drug charges be expunged?
A drug conviction can seriously affect your life. One nonviolent offense may affect your career aspirations, educational goals and overall reputation. You may be wondering if there is any way to wipe your criminal record clean so you can move on with your life. Thanks to a new Missouri law, expunging your drug charges may be possible. Here is...
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