Springfield Criminal Law Blog

We believe your goals and opportunities shouldn’t be held hostage by one mistake. You can rely on us to pursue all legal options as we work to protect your future.

August 4, 2022
Can you lose your license from a DWI?
There are numerous consequences on the table if the police pull a driver over on suspicion of DWI. You need to fight the charges to the best of your ability because you could go to jail and pay a massive fine.  You will also lose your driver’s license. Even with a first conviction, you will not be able...
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August 4, 2022
What are ignition interlock devices?
If you have been convicted of a drunk driving offense and have had your driver’s license revoked as a result, you may be forced to have an ignition interlock device installed in your vehicle. These devices are wired directly to your car’s ignition system and require you to submit a breath sample before the car...
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August 4, 2022
Money laundering and embezzlement: What’s the difference?
White collar crimes involving money and property can often become complicated, especially when looking at the minute details of the situation. If you have been accused of committing a white-collar crime, you may be confused at the charges and what they mean. Two crimes that often get mistaken for one another are embezzlement and money...
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August 4, 2022
What is the difference between a pardon and expungement?
A criminal charge on your record in Missouri means you lose some of your rights. You may also have certain conditions of your conviction that last for years. For many people, having a criminal charge haunts them far into the future and impacts everything from where they can live to where they can work. There...
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August 4, 2022
Dee’s Radio Podcasts on 104.1 KSGF
Check out Dee’s weekly radio podcasts on the The Nick Reed Show...
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August 4, 2022
Can you face charges for sharing a prescription?
You might feel tempted to share some unused antibiotics with a friend who is sick and has no medical insurance, or to lend your sister a couple of your Xanax if she’s having trouble with anxiety during finals. It might seem harmless to hand out a few prescription pills, like you’re doing a favor for...
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August 4, 2022
Common crimes at community colleges and universities
College students have their whole lives ahead of them. They may feel like nothing can stop them from achieving their dreams. However, an arrest can derail future plans. A criminal conviction may impact their enrollment, employment and reputation. This is why it is crucial for students to get help if they face charges.  Here is a...
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August 4, 2022
What does “fruit of the poisonous tree” mean?
If you face criminal charges in Missouri, such as for allegedly committing a drug crime, you would do well to educate yourself about the fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine. As LawTeacher.net explains, this important legal doctrine could play a big part in the defense of your case. “Fruit of the poisonous tree” is a metaphor that...
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August 4, 2022
Will I go to jail for DWI in Missouri?
Each state has different laws regarding driving while intoxicated or driving under the influence, DWI and DUI, respectively. If you are a Missouri resident and police arrest and charge you with DWI, you should know the potential penalties you may face if a judge convicts you of the charges. As with all states, the particulars...
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August 4, 2022
Many individuals accused of wire fraud plead guilty
Fraud in which individuals misrepresent themselves or lie about the terms of contracts is typically evident as a pattern. Prosecutors and international investigators often spend years building cases against defendants, amassing a great deal of documentary and testimonial evidence. Cases in Missouri may involve interstate and worldwide money transfers. Obviously, these cases become rather complex. ...
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